Where is God’s Church?
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New Living Translation (NLT), copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation.
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New American Standard Bible (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.
Used with permission by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. All rights reserved.
King James Version (KJV) Crown copyright in the UK
Where is God’s Church?
Dream - Mon 26 Sep 2016 04.50
There was a small maintenance team working on a large building but they were only fixing up the little bit they were interested in. I noticed
the rest of the building was showing complete neglect with many decades of deterioration without any attempt to fix it. I tried calling the
maintenance team round to the neglected part but they weren't really interested. The bottom of gutters had fallen out. I saw a bracket that
had been screwed to something but that something had long since gone decades ago leaving you wondering what had been there. There
was a large hole in some plywood boarding just under the flat roof level. This was just next to the edge of the building merging into
nothingness as if a whole part of the building had gone. The rest of the building was still being used with people inside. I wondered why
they hadn't realised what the outside of the building was like. I wondered what condition the flat roof must be in! The parts inside the
building where I had been seemed OK, so presumably the roof must still be waterproof in that section. Why was such a small maintenance
team working on such a large job?
This building represents the church as a whole in the UK. It appears to still be functional in parts. Why do they only fix up the bits relevant
to them? Why don't they fix up the bits falling apart? Why are there so few people to fix it up? Have they lost interest in the church as a
Dreams & Visions