“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert [and pray]! “The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return. You, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know when the master of the household will return — in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak. Don’t let him find you sleeping when he arrives without warning. I say to you what I say to everyone: Watch for Him!” Mark 13:32-37 (NLT)
More News
Spiritual Armour
News from a Christian and Biblical Perspective in these “end times”.
Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38/39 PropheciesEvents happening in the Middle East look like these prophecies are going to start happening soon. Are you familiar with them?Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan etc in unison against Israel.
God’s gifts
What Gaza does with its International Aid Money
Brexit and UK
Is the NIV Bible satanic?Some modern versions of the Bible have their wording changed or even removed destroying the original KJV meaning of the text. Or is something else happening here?
The Power of the Sea
Are you ready for when Jesus returns?
Amir Tsarfati is a born again believer from Israel and tells the truth about what is really happening in the Middle East.
Speakers Corner with Derek Walker17 Feb 2020Discussing Tarshish (UK) etc., and its relevance to Israel during the end times.As shown on Revelation TV.
Any Problems? - Speak out the Word of God - Psalm 91
Is China Developing the Mark of the Beast?24 Mar 2021The Communist party of China is using Artificial Technology, AI as a means of having total control over its population and even encouraging its citizens to use their smart phones to spy on their neighbours for the regime.
The Rise of The One World Religion1 Apr 2020 (re-published)A new world religion is formed before our very eyes, based on "just do good." This innocent looking religion will soon turn into a horrific scene for anyone who is left behind after the Rapture of the Church. Amir guides you through 6 current events and God's Word to show you how we are moving away from His truth.
Dreams & Visions
Covid-19 and the Vaccines16 Jul 2021The lockdowns and ‘vaccine-passports’ are but a shadow and a pre-cursor to what could arise.
Steve Cioccolanti2 Jun 2020The Truth About American Riots, Racism, Police & George Floyd | ANGER Boils Over.
The Rise of the One World Religion10 May 2021A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Unlike religious takeovers of the past, there is no fight taking place. In fact, the followers of many other belief systems have been quick to embrace it and incorporate it into their doctrine. It is a non-judgmental, feel-good religion of ecumenism and inclusion and acceptance of all people and all lifestyles. There is only one group of people who are rejected from this new global religion – the followers of Jesus Christ. Join Amir Tsarfati for his new teaching, The Rise of the One World Religion, as he examines this new system that will eventually unite all people under one man – the antichrist.
Behold Israel videos on YouTube
Daniel’s 70 Weeks7 May 2021Watch Amir's message "Daniel's 70 Weeks" on the 70 weeks vision from Daniel 9:20-27.
The Rapture
Harvest Time
Israel and the Tribulation20 Mar 2021God disciplines those He loves. For the nation of Israel, this time of correction is called Jacob’s Trouble, or the Tribulation. In Israel and the Tribulation, Amir Tsarfati looks at Israel’s rebellion against God before the period of correction begins, the peace and the horror the nation will experience during that time, and the spiritual restoration that will take place when the seven years conclude. Israel abandoned the relationship that God loved for religion which He hates. It is the remnant that survives the Tribulation who will return once again to the relationship the Lord wants.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins6 Oct 2020The parable of the ten virgins communicates a mysterious yet serious message regarding biblical wisdom. Do these virgins represent the need for Israel to prepare to meet the Lord, or is there a greater application for those within the Church concerning foolishness and wisdom? Join Amir as he discusses what it means to be prepared to meet the Bridegroom.
How Close Are We to the Rapture?9 Oct 2020How close are we to the rapture? This is a question that many Christians often ask themselves. While we may not know exactly when it will happen, we certainly know when it will not happen. And while we may not know the day or the hour, we do know the times and the seasons. God has revealed and therefore wants us to know and understand His prophetic timeline. Join Amir as he observes the Scriptures and fulfilled prophecy to better address this question.
HOPE“Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 (HCSB)
The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” He Himself will deliver you from the hunter’s net, from the destructive plague. He will …
“For look, darkness covers the earth, and total darkness the peoples; but the Lord will shine over you, and His glory will appear over you.”Isaiah 60:2 (HCSB)
Covid and the Quest for Truth30 Jul 2021Counting the other costs of the pandemic.
The Rise of the One World Religion27 May 2022A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Unlike religious takeovers of the past, there is no fight taking place. In fact, the followers of many other belief systems have been quick to embrace it and incorporate it into their doctrine. It is a non-judgmental, feel-good religion of ecumenism and inclusion and acceptance of all people and all lifestyles. There is only one group of people who are rejected from this new global religion – the followers of Jesus Christ. Join Amir Tsarfati for his teaching, The Rise of the One World Religion, as he examines this new system that will eventually unite all people under one man – the antichrist.
Are we taking the Chinese Security Threat Seriously?14 Jul 2022In this week’s edition of Behind the Headlines, we will be discussing the unprecedented public security briefing last week with the head of MI5 and the FBI warning about the serious security threats posed by China.
“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert [and pray]! “The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return. You, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know when the master of the household will return — in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak. Don’t let him find you sleeping when he arrives without warning. I say to you what I say to everyone: Watch for Him!” Mark 13:32-37 (NLT)
More News
News from a Christian and Biblical Perspective in these “end times”.
Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38/39 PropheciesEvents happening in the Middle East look like these prophecies are going to start happening soon. Are you familiar with them?Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan etc in unison against Israel.
God’s gifts
What Gaza does with its International Aid Money
Brexit and UK
Is the NIV Bible satanic?Some modern versions of the Bible have their wording changed or even removed destroying the original KJV meaning of the text. Or is something else happening here?
The Power of the Sea
Are you ready for when Jesus returns?
Amir Tsarfati is a born again believer from Israel and tells the truth about what is really happening in the Middle East.
Speakers Corner with Derek Walker17 Feb 2020Discussing Tarshish (UK) etc., and its relevance to Israel during the end times.As shown on Revelation TV.
Any Problems - Speak out the Word of God. Psalm 91The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” He Himself will deliver you from the hunter’s net, from the destructive plague.He will…
Is China Developing the Mark of the Beast?24 Mar 2021The Communist party of China is using Artificial Technology, AI as a means of having total control over its population and even encouraging its citizens to use their smart phones to spy on their neighbours for the regime.
The Rise of The One World Religion1 Apr 2020 (re-published)A new world religion is formed before our very eyes, based on "just do good." This innocent looking religion will soon turn into a horrific scene for anyone who is left behind after the Rapture of the Church. Amir guides you through 6 current events and God's Word to show you how we are moving away from His truth.
Dreams & Visions
Covid-19 and the Vaccines16 Jul 2021The lockdowns and ‘vaccine-passports’ are but a shadow and a pre-cursor to what could arise.
Steve Cioccolanti2 Jun 2020The Truth About American Riots, Racism, Police & George Floyd | ANGER Boils Over.
The Rise of the One World Religion10 May 2021A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Unlike religious takeovers of the past, there is no fight taking place. In fact, the followers of many other belief systems have been quick to embrace it and incorporate it into their doctrine. It is a non-judgmental, feel-good religion of ecumenism and inclusion and acceptance of all people and all lifestyles. There is only one group of people who are rejected from this new global religion – the followers of Jesus Christ. Join Amir Tsarfati for his new teaching, The Rise of the One World Religion, as he examines this new system that will eventually unite all people under one man – the antichrist.
Behold Israel videos on YouTube
Daniel’s 70 Weeks7 May 2021Watch Amir's message "Daniel's 70 Weeks" on the 70 weeks vision from Daniel 9:20-27.
The Rapture
Harvest Time
Israel and the Tribulation20 Mar 2021God disciplines those He loves. For the nation of Israel, this time of correction is called Jacob’s Trouble, or the Tribulation. In Israel and the Tribulation, Amir Tsarfati looks at Israel’s rebellion against God before the period of correction begins, the peace and the horror the nation will experience during that time, and the spiritual restoration that will take place when the seven years conclude. Israel abandoned the relationship that God loved for religion which He hates. It is the remnant that survives the Tribulation who will return once again to the relationship the Lord wants.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins6 Oct 2020The parable of the ten virgins communicates a mysterious yet serious message regarding biblical wisdom. Do these virgins represent the need for Israel to prepare to meet the Lord, or is there a greater application for those within the Church concerning foolishness and wisdom? Join Amir as he discusses what it means to be prepared to meet the Bridegroom.
How Close Are We to the Rapture?9 Oct 2020How close are we to the rapture? This is a question that many Christians often ask themselves. While we may not know exactly when it will happen, we certainly know when it will not happen. And while we may not know the day or the hour, we do know the times and the seasons. God has revealed and therefore wants us to know and understand His prophetic timeline. Join Amir as he observes the Scriptures and fulfilled prophecy to better address this question.
HOPE“Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 (HCSB)
“For look, darkness covers the earth, and total darkness the peoples; but the Lord will shine over you, and His glory will appear over you.”Isaiah 60:2 (HCSB)
Covid and the Quest for Truth30 Jul 2021Counting the other costs of the pandemic.
The Rise of the One World Religion27 May 2022A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Unlike religious takeovers of the past, there is no fight taking place. In fact, the followers of many other belief systems have been quick to embrace it and incorporate it into their doctrine. It is a non-judgmental, feel-good religion of ecumenism and inclusion and acceptance of all people and all lifestyles. There is only one group of people who are rejected from this new global religion – the followers of Jesus Christ. Join Amir Tsarfati for his teaching, The Rise of the One World Religion, as he examines this new system that will eventually unite all people under one man – the antichrist.
Are we taking the Chinese Security Threat Seriously?14 Jul 2022In this week’s edition of Behind the Headlines, we will be discussing the unprecedented public security briefing last week with the head of MI5 and the FBI warning about the serious security threats posed by China.